


Maki no Yado is a standalone guesthouse limited to one group per day.
This kominka, which is a traditional Japanese folk house built in a mountainous area,
was constructed 80 years ago. As we want our guests to experience what life is like in Monobe, we provide a variety of activities, such as: town walks, walking courses, and locales that allow guests to see different areas; a guide to local cuisine; unique experiences to learn about Izanagi-ryu, and more.





[ *1 ] 太夫と家祈祷
Tayu and yagito (prayer at home)

いざなぎ流の祈祷や祈念の多くは、家庭や親族のなかで執り行われるごく私的なもの。そのため、地域外から訪れた人には触れられる機会がなかなかありません。秘められた厳かなイメージが先行していますが、和やかな雰囲気のなかで家族の健康と繁栄を祈る儀式もあるなど形はさまざまです。 また、七つ道具の一つである和紙でつくられた御幣や面も表情豊かで個性があります。自然界が多様な生き物によって成り立つように、いざなぎ流もまた多様性や共存性、神秘的な芸術性を持ち合わせているのです。

[ *2 ] 御幣 Gohei



[ *2 ] 御幣 Gohei

Izanagi-ryu is a folk belief system that forms the foundation of people's lives in Monobe. In 1980, Izanagi-ryu was designated by Japan as an "Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property." It is believed that Izanagi-ryu has been passed down since the medieval period in Japan (1180-1603) and that it only continues to exist in the present day due to the Monobe area being located deep in mountainous terrain.

Izanagi-ryu is a unique mixture of onmyodo (i.e., the "way of yin & yang"), shugendo (i.e., the "way of mountaineering pilgrimage"), and the Buddhist and Shinto religions. Several tayus (i.e., people who pray) in the local area perform rituals such as kami-matsuri (i.e., praying to the tutelary deity and the household deity), kito and kinen (i.e., praying for the sick and when bringing in harvest), and shizume(i.e., praying to appease the gods of mountains and water).

Many of the prayers of Izanagi-ryu are for private matters carried out for families and relatives. That is why those who come to visit from outside the local area rarely have the opportunity to experience Izanagi-ryu. While these rituals seem hidden and dignified, at times, ceremonies are held in a relaxed atmosphere, praying for the well-being and prosperity of the family. The gohei (i.e., decorated wands) and masks that are made of Japanese washi paper—one of the seven tools used in the ceremonies—have different designs/expressions, making each of them unique. Just as the natural world is made up of a diversity of living things, the same goes for Izanagi-ryu, demonstrating diversity, coexistence, and mystical artistic qualities.

Izanagi-ryu is present in the lives of the people of Monobe, as well as everywhere around them, and the heart of these beliefs is passed down to the younger generations. However, the population of Monobe as well as the number of tayus are decreasing, and Izanagi-ryu is on the path to being lost. Against that backdrop, we wish for Maki no Yado to become a place for guests to understand and experience the presence of Izanagi-ryu through the lives of the local people, as a unique opportunity.

While tayu take on occupations such as those involving agriculture and forestry, they also acquire Izanagi-ryu ritualistic knowledge through training and then pass down that knowledge to others. Once a year, the people of Monobe hire a tayu to conduct yagito prayer
The tayu face the home altar and pray for good health and vitality, etc.

Gohei, made from Japanese washi paper, with over 200 types in existence, all with rich expressions/designs





The Yamasaki Family was a blacksmith family in this local area. Their residence was built in 1943. When the forestry industry was thriving here, many blacksmiths who supported the area’s forestry industry lived in Monobe Village (now Monobe Town). In those days, after dark, the sounds of shamisen and drums played by geisha could be heard on the street, creating a lively atmosphere. Old okiya building,where the geisha lived, can still be seen around Yamazaki Residence.

The guesthouse was reworked for renovation in 2023 while retaining the classic atmosphere of the Japanese-style rooms and the doma (i.e., earthen floor) area of Yamazaki Residence. The light peach-colored plaster walls in the interior are unique to Monobe and the surrounding area. Japanese umbrella-pine (also known as koyamaki) is planted in the garden. The guesthouse, Maki no Yado, is named after this tree, which has been valued as a sacred tree in Japan, and the old name of this area called Makiyama Village. The landlord couple live next door to the guesthouse.


We wish for Maki no Yado to become a place where not only visitors can come and relax but where the local community can gather and connect visitors to the townspeople. We would like everyone locals and visitors to come and enjoy Monobe.

Mayu Komatsu, Owner
Born in Konan City, Kochi Prefecture, Japan

Message from the Owner


I worked at Kami Municipal Office for 23 years as a specialist in the preservation and utilization of cultural assets and left there in 2023, opening Maki no Yado. I moved to Monobe when I got married. As I came to know more about the area’s unique culture, history, scenery, and people, I wanted more people to come and experience what Monobe has to offer. I hope that that visitors can enjoy a relaxing time in Monobe and during their stay at Maki no Yado.